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List of Conjunctions: Learn to Use Joining Words

What’s the easiest way to memorize a list of conjunctions, also known as joining words? One answer is to break down your learning into manageable sections. Otherwise, your brain will need to learn dozens of words at once. But, what if you don’t have the time to manually divide up joining words into groups or create flashcards? Well, don’t worry! All the hard work was already done for you. You’ll find an easy to learn conjunctions list, separated by type below.

For additional help, there are even usage examples of the different types of joining words in the English language. We’ve also included descriptions of each type of conjunction list, just in case there are any word groups you’re not familiar with. So, are you ready to expand your vocabulary? Let’s begin with a coordinating conjunction list!

What is a Coordinating Conjunctions List (and Why Care?)

Learning the words on a coordinating conjunction list isn’t difficult and it’s incredibly fun, believe it or not! That’s because there are only seven words in this category, which create the useful acronym FANBOYS. Wondering what FANBOYS stands for? Well, the acronym FANBOYS stands for the words for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Easy enough, right? Write down this first conjunction words list, along with the acronym FANBOYS and it should stick in your mind easily enough.

Already know about FANBOYS and can create a coordinating conjunction list? Check out this helpful resource on MLA format and more citation styles of formatting your citations.

Why are these words so important to remember? You’ll find that speakers and writers use these words frequently. Each one is less than four letters long and they are some of the most common words in the English language. The role they play is not a small one, as they’re able to connect two independent clauses and combine them into one sentence. Here’s the coordinating conjunction list:

  • F – for
  • A – and
  • N – nor
  • B – but
  • O – or
  • Y – yet
  • S – so

Are you curious how to use words from the coordinating conjunction list? Look at this explanative link, or check out the examples of how to use words from this group in a sentence below:

For – This word has a similar meaning to “because” in a sentence.

  • She was tired when she arrived in class, for she had studied all night.

But – This one connects opposing ideas.

  • I tried out for the basketball team, but I didn’t make it.

Yet – This word is like the word “but.” However, it emphasizes the contrast even more.

  • It’s snowing outside, yet it’s the middle of summer!

Nor – This word joins two nouns that the subject of the sentence does NOT have or obtain.

  • Monica does not know about Michael and Bobby, nor about Jessica and Susan

So/Yet – These words suggest time and continuation depending on the context.

  • So far, he hasn’t told her the truth.
  • They love football, yet they gave up their tickets to someone less fortunate.

Make sure to commit FANBOYS to memory and you’re one step closer to knowing your main conjunctions list.

Now that you’ve covered a coordinating conjunctions list, it’s time to move into a subordinate conjunctions list. Think you can guess the difference between the two? Though they sound similar these conjunctions have two very different functions.

A Look at Subordinate Words: A List of Subordinating Conjunctions

Since you have FANBOYS down, let’s move on to a subordinating conjunctions list. These words are slightly more difficult to learn, because many of them are also prepositions. Plus, both connect clauses in a sentence. With that in mind, you should understand that words on the list of subordinating conjunctions have a different purpose. Instead of joining two independent clauses of equal importance, words from a subordinating conjunctions list make one clause less important than another. You’ll see how that works in the upcoming examples. For now, here is a subordinating conjunctions list:

After As As long as As soon as
As though Before Even if If
If when Inasmuch Just as Now
Now that Once Provided that Since
Supposing That Though Until
Whenever Whereas Wherever Which


As you can tell, there are many more subordinates than there are coordinates. In fact, this isn’t even half of the words in a subordinate conjunctions list you can use to show importance between two clauses. Either way, let’s look at a few examples of sentences using words on a subordinating conjunctions list:

  • Jason went to get a drink of water before his exam started.
  • She’s usually a happy toddler, provided that she’s fed regularly.
  • I always visit Disneyland whenever I visit my grandparents in California.
  • Tyler can enjoy painting now that he has his own studio.

Since you can use many of the words from a subordinate conjunctions list as another part of speech, it’s good to understand how each one works as a joining word. In a sentence, words on a list of subordinating conjunctions begin a dependent clause which cannot stand alone.

For instance, If I go to the store” doesn’t form a complete idea. Connect it with an independent clause like in the sentence, “I’ll get a new toy if I got to the store,” and you have a complete thought.

You can often tell joining words from the rest by determining whether it constructs part of a sentence that holds a complete idea. Words with multiple uses will often form a complete thought when not used as a joining word.

Want to know more joining words and a subordinate conjunctions list? Look at this informative reference or see this additional subordinating conjunctions list:

Although As if As much as Because
Even Even though If only If then
In order that Lest Now since Now when
Provided Rather than So that

What’s a Correlative List of Conjunctions?

Words on a correlative conjunctions list work in pairs to join equal clauses together. They can show up in different parts of a sentence. Additionally, you will always find them working together with their counterpart. For instance, one pair from this list of conjunctions is either/or. It joins two positive clauses of equal importance to form a complete sentence. For example:

  • Either you cook me dinner, or I leave.

Here are some additional sentences using words from a correlative conjunctions list:

Whether/Or – This pair functions like the word if by bringing up hypothetical situations and joins the two options.

  • I’m wearing my new swimsuit whether I go to the beach or to the swimming pool.

As/As – You can compare two things together using these words from a conjunctions list.

  • Her sneeze was as loud as a helicopter.

There are many other joining words that come in pairs. Here’s a correlative conjunction words list:

As / As Both / and Either / or
Hardly / when Neither / nor No sooner / than
Not only / but also Whether / or


Need a quick break? Try out our paper checker, or our citation services for MLA and APA format! Next, a conjunctive adverbs list will be the icing on top when adding words to the main conjunctions list. 

What’s Special About the Conjunctive Adverbs List?

The final conjunctions list to memorize contains adverbs. These adverbs join words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence just like words on your standard list of conjunctions can. Here are some example sentences containing words from the conjunctive adverbs list:

  • Ted was a great student, in addition he was a wonderful student body president.
  • Fred never missed a day of school; as a result, he won a scholarship for perfect attendance.
  • Even though Lisa is lactose intolerant, still she wanted an ice cream bar.

Finally, here’s a basic conjunctive adverbs list.

This adverbial conjunction list is by no means comprehensive, although it gives you a good foundation. Words on this list of conjunctions are also known as transition words. Try your best to memorize and don’t forget to use this as a guide when writing.

After all As a result Consequently Finally
For example Furthermore Hence However
In addition In fact Incidentally Indeed
Instead Likewise Meanwhile


Now, you’re familiar with the different joining words. Are there any words that you don’t know the meaning of from the conjunctive adverb list? If so, look up how to use each word and create sentence examples. With enough practice, you’ll be able to use these words like a professional writer!

Try answering these practice questions to review what you learned above.

Conjunction List Review Questions

  1. How many different categories are there in a conjunction list?
  2. Create a sentence using a word from the list of subordinating conjunctions.
  3. Create a sentence using a word from the coordinating conjunctions list.
  4. Why is it handy to have a conjunction list when writing?

After you’ve finished, review your answers with a friend and see if you can test each other on words from a conjunction words list. 

Published March 7, 2019. Updated May 22, 2020.

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