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7 Science-Backed Tips for Smarter Studying

by Amanda Cross Studying always takes effort, but did you know that you could be causing yourself extra time and stress by not thinking about how you’re studying? We rounded up a list of science-backed study tip ...

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Top 5 Tips For a Successful Study Session

Self-study is an important part of getting the most from your education and the best possible results on your exams. What’s more, the amount of self-study you're expected to do typically increases as you progress through the educational ranks. Here are our top tips for ensu ...

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The Right Time to Visit Your College Writing Center

by Amanda Cross Writing papers in college can be difficult, especially if you don't have much practice. Luckily, there are a ton of resources out there to help you. Most campuses have writing centers where you can go (for free) to get help on your papers. They can be extraord ...

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Survive (and Thrive in) Group Work

For many students, group projects can be challenging. After all, the bulk of assignments students are tasked with involve independent work. When group work is assigned, ensuring that each member of the group contributes equally to a task—and is used to the best of their abilities—is a daunting proposition. ...

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How to Ask for Help in College the Right Way

by Amanda Cross Have you ever felt so frustrated by a class that you felt helpless? You look down at your work and all you see is an endless stream of numbers or words haphazardly strung together. The clock is ticking, the paper’s blank, and now you’re crying all over ...

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What is Pre-Search and Why Should I Care?

Why Should I Care? When you get a not-so-great grade on a paper, it is easy to wish you could go back in time and do things differently. Should you have put more thought into the way you organized your thoughts? Did I mess up the ...

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